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South Plains Customers/Smith Systems

This is to inform you that the South Plains Water Supply Corporation Board of Directors will consider the
attached rate increases at the meeting on June 20th at 6:30 PM. The meeting will be held at the Shallowater
Community Center, 900 Avenue H., Shallowater, Texas.
The current water system requires significant investment to address water quality issues and the lack of
maintenance by the current owner. Rest assured, the Board has been diligently working with the Texas Water
Development Board (TWDB) to secure $3 million in funding to address these issues. The TWDB has agreed to
provide the funds once the South Plains Water Supply Corporation (SPWSC) takes ownership of the system
from the current owner and presents a comprehensive financial plan to operate and maintain the system in
compliance with all regulations.
The proposed rate increases (see attached) are necessary to ensure sufficient funding for maintenance,
regulatory compliance, and financial stability. These adjustments are not just for the benefit of the South Plains
Water Supply Corporation but for the entire community. They are essential for addressing water quality issues
and ensuring a more reliable water supply system for all of us. The Board will discuss this matter at the June
20th meeting.
This notice is provided so you can attend the meeting to learn more or express your opinion.
Thank you.
Robert Sheets
System Manager
South Plains Water Supply Corporation